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What’s The Big Deal About Water Softeners?

Hard or soft water looks the same when it comes out of the faucet. So what's the big deal? Why do people think that hard water is such a serious issue? In this episode, we talk about what hard water is and the damage it can cause. We’ll also talk about ways you can address the problems it poses.
A lot of Utah water comes from wells, and the ground is mineral-rich. Those minerals dissolve into the water when it runs past them. That’s what hard water is — water with minerals in it. You can see those minerals as the white stuff left on your dishes when they come out of the dishwasher.
Hard water can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing fixtures. The minerals act like sandpaper, tearing at rubber seals and plastic as you use the water. It can also clog up your pores, irritating any skin issues you might be dealing with. We go over even more problems it causes in the video.
Soft water, on the other hand, is water without any of those minerals. So a water softener’s job is to get your water to that point. It does that by replacing the minerals with salt using a chemical reaction. We go over how that works in detail in the video. But that reaction can extend the life of your plumbing fixtures by 40%, up to 50% in some cases.
If you’re considering adding a water softener to your home, Any Hour Services would be happy to help. One of our licensed plumbing experts can come to your house and discuss your options with you. You can give us a call or schedule an appointment online.
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