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Quick Fixes For Annoying Toilet Problems

If you have a major plumbing problem, it’s always wise to bring in an expert Utah plumbing contractor like Anyhour Services to make sure the job’s done right. But some of those non-emergency annoying little toilet problems that seem to crop up all the time can be quick-fixed by homeowners who possess even the most rudimentary of plumbing skills. Here are some fast tips to help you get a handle on those little naggers once and for all!

Running toilet: Don’t you dare let that toilet run… stop it dead in its tracks right away! It is said that a running toilet wastes 2 gallons of water each and every minute; needless to say, that can add up to some pretty serious wastefulness in no time at all and lead to unpleasant environmental (not to mention financial) consequences.

Fixing the problem will involve lifting the cover off your toilet’s tank (yes- you can do it)! Chances are if the tank is not filling then the rubber flapper attached to the chain is not closing or the chain has become detached altogether. If your toilet uses a ball seal, make sure the attached chain can move freely. You may have to get your hands wet: but don’t worry; this is perfectly clean water! If the problem is more complicated, it’s time to call the plumber.

Clogged toilet: If you have kids, you know all about clogged toilets! If the problem is a simple clog (meaning sewage doesn’t back up into your tub when the toilet is flushed), you can probably handle the problem yourself.

First, remove the tank lid and lift the flapper manually to determine if water can pass through: if it can’t, the toilet is indeed clogged.Wearing rubber gloves, place a plunger directly over the drain hole and repeatedly thrust down sharply. If the clog is minor, the suction created by the plunger will most likely dislodge the cause of the clog and waste water will drain on its own. Help wash the debris all the way down the pipes by adding an extra gallon of water to the bowl and flushing the toilet.

If the problem is not resolved, you can try to snake out the toilet if you have the right equipment. If not, it’s time to call a reputable and reliable Utah plumbing contractor like Anyhour Services. The worst thing you can do is nothing at all: use the above measures to fix your broken throne as soon as possible and if all else fails, bring in the professionals.

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