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Making Sense Of Hard Water, Water Softeners, And Water Conditioners

Sometimes it may sound like soft water can cure kidney stones, skin diseases, and even cancer. But before you jump on a system to soften your water, it makes sense to know if any of that is true. In this article, we'll talk about what hard water is, why you might want to get rid of it, and some options to choose from. That way you can make an informed decision about whether a water-softening system is a good fit for you.
According to water.usgs.gov, “water hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water.” Those minerals get left behind when water flows past fixtures or evaporates. You can tell if your home has hard water if you get spots on your dishes or sink fixtures. It can also dry out your hands and change the taste of your tap water. If you have skin issues, hard water can aggravate them every time you shower.
Those minerals will stick to your skin, in your pipes and water fixtures, and on dishes and windows. When that happens, the calcium and magnesium can act like sandpaper. They can wear out your fixtures much faster as the parts rub against each other. Soft water avoids those problems because it doesn't have those minerals. It can leave you with smoother skin, more effective soap, and fixtures that last much longer.
Click this link for a video on how to remove hard water buildup from your shower head using vinegar.

Water Softeners: Water softeners remove calcium and magnesium from the water through ion exchange. You fill the water softener’s mineral tank with small beads that hold a negative charge. That negative charge attracts the positively-charged calcium and magnesium ions. Then the system flushes salt through the beads. The salt collects the minerals as it flows down the drain. Once the minerals are gone, water spots should go away and your soaps should work better. On top of that, people with skin issues might have an easier time showering with a water softener.

Water Conditioners: Water conditioners don't remove the minerals from your water. Instead, they often adjust the PH of the water and coat the minerals. That coating prevents the minerals from sticking to pipes or dishes. Another type of water conditioner is a Poly-Phosphate filter. These methods can help reduce water spots and protect water fixtures. But they often don't do as good of a job as a water softener since the minerals are still in the water. On the upside, they don’t leave your skin feeling slippery, as soft water might.

Click this link for a detailed video where we talk about what hard water is and the damage it can cause.
While it would be amazing to have water treatment that could cure cancer, that option isn't out yet. The options we do have can help keep your dishes clean and your skin healthy. It’s up to you to decide the best option for your needs. If you have any questions about water treatment for your home, Any Hour Services would be happy to help. You can give us a call or schedule an appointment online.
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