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What Does Tuning Up My Air Conditioner Even Do?

Do you want your AC to work its best for as long as possible? If so, manufacturers recommend some annual maintenance. In this video, we go over AC maintenance and what it does for your system. We also talk about why HVAC technicians make so many recommendations during tune-ups.

Maintaining your air conditioner is a good idea for the same reasons it’s a good idea to maintain your car. If it’s new, you want to keep it running like that for as long as possible. If you’ve had it for a while, you want to avoid it breaking down. If it’s older, you want to get as much life out of it as you can.

Also like your car, there is some AC maintenance that you want a professional to do. Any Hour Services calls that annual maintenance an AC Tune-Up. We go over what’s in that tune-up in the video. But it's all to help your air conditioner keep you comfortable as long as it should.
A good HVAC tech wants your AC to keep you comfortable for years. To help with that, they’ll look for ways to improve your system when you have them tune it up. Sometimes that involves replacing worn-out parts. Or there might be upgrades you can add to make the unit more efficient or safer. A great HVAC technician will be able to answer your questions and show you why each option could help. They should be able to explain how each recommendation would help your AC work the way you want it.

If you want to get a tune-up for your air conditioner, Any Hour Services would be happy to help. One of our certified technicians can work through your system top to bottom with you. You can give us a call or schedule an appointment online.
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