It's starting to warm up, but you might not feel like you need your air conditioner yet. DON'T WAIT! It's important you turn your AC on before it gets really hot. In this episode, we go over why you should turn it on now. We also go over the simple steps to turn it on for the first time this season.
Whenever it gets hot the first time each season, lots of people start using their air conditioners. When they do, some of those units will break down. That means those people need someone to fix them at the same time. Then the companies get swamped with calls and yours might need to wait.
So that you can avoid that rush, it’s a good idea to turn your air conditioner on earlier. When you do, you’ll want to start by uncovering it if it’s covered. Then change your thermostat from heating to cooling. Last, make sure units inside and outside kick on and that the air is cool from your vents.
If you turn on your AC and something goes wrong, Any Hour Services would be happy to help. One of our certified technicians can diagnose what isn’t working. Then they can work with you to find the best solution. You can give us a call or schedule an appointment online.
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